NCPA Presents ‘Companion, Beloved, Aaradhya’...

NCPA Presents ‘Companion, Beloved, Aaradhya’ an Illustrated Talk on Radha by Dr. BN Goswamy  

The celebrated art historian and critic will share interpretations of Radha and her story through paintings and poetry  

August 2022: Moving beyond the popular lore of Radha, eminent scholar and art critic, Dr. BN Goswamy, will dwell deep into her origins through art and poetry at the National Centre for Performing Arts (NCPA) on 31st August. Dr. Goswamy is widely celebrated for his work and has also been awarded the Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan by the Indian government. He has authored over 20 books on arts and culture and is known for his scholarship on Pahari paintings and Indian miniature paintings.  

Sharing insights into some of these paintings, he will attempt to unravel the mystery and mystique behind Radha’s origins. For even though Radha is mentioned everywhere, in poetry, painting, music and dance, very little is known about her.  

“As the mirror to my hand, the flowers to my hair, kohl to my eyes, 

tambul to my mouth, musk to my breast, 

necklace to my throat…, 

so are you to me, 

Madhava, beloved. 

But who are you? 

who are you, really?” 

This moving song by the 15th-century poet Vidyapati is placed in the mouth of one of the damsels of Vraja, hopelessly in love, like countless others, with sweet Madhava: Krishna, by another name. But the question that is asked at the end might well be addressed to Radha, Krishna’s ‘divine consort’.  

Dr. Goswamy attempts to answer the question – who is she, really? Companion, Beloved or Goddess? The talk will be held 6.30pm onwards at Experimental Theatre, NCPA on 31st August, 2022.  


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