Octanom launches...

Octanom launches Algorithm powered advisory platform ‘HEDGED’ along with India’s First Nifty Crash meter

Mumbai, January 16, 2023        

InvesTech startup, Octanom Tech, today announced the launch of its first machine powered platform – HEDGED – that will provide investment and trading solutions to retail investors powered by a combination of algorithms and Actual Interest (A.I.).

Many Indians would cite reasons like lack of knowledge on how to trade and invest, lack of time and the unpredictable nature of the stock markets as reasons to stay far away from equity.

These are the very gaps that Octanom Tech plans to bridge.

‘Hedged’ will give traders, hedged options trades powered by a combination of proprietary Algorithms. Its in-built Nifty crash meter – the only predictive tool of its kind – is designed to forecast the onset of a crash or an up-move before it happens and helps investors position their portfolios accordingly.

The platform also introduces a very unique investment type known as ‘Live Funds’; these are expert curated micro-sized investment funds with built-in hedges to protect investors’ wealth from market volatility. The app also offers ‘Hedged TV’ which is a trader and investor focused learning platform created by experienced traders. The objective of this initiative is to impart just the right amount of information and learning, tailored to remove the clutter found on the internet.

(Rahul Ghose founder and CEO of Octanom Tech.)

'Hedged’ was conceptualized and created by a diverse group of hedging experts, PhD

statisticians, technical architects, seasoned investors and traders led by its Founder and CEO Rahul Ghose, an options trading savant who is also the former Head of MoneyFlix.com.

“More than 50% of Indians’ savings are tied up in bank deposits, which has a huge opportunity cost due to sub-optimal returns. India is a ripe market that is primed for a growth spurt and I think it’s about time that our people, our home-grown investors, become active participants and integral beneficiaries of this incredible growth story that is in the making,” said Rahul Ghose on the occasion of the launch of Hedged.

Fund managers and investment bankers have always had access to intelligent tech that can aid their decision-making process and Octanom plans to bring this tech to every retail trader and investor's fingertips.

The company plans to disrupt the online retail trading space with three similar revolutionary platforms over the next two years in India and in the US.

The Hedged app is now available for download on the Google Play Store and will be available on the Apple App store later this mont' 


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