Sony SAB’s Garud and Marvel’s Norse God Thor

Mythology for the Millenials: 5 striking parallels between Sony SAB’s Garud and Marvel’s Norse God Thor

Mythology is back in the game as the millennials seem to enjoy it. Whether it is on the silver screen or in the theaters, fans are flocking to catch a glimpse of their favorite Gods. We have a fit Faisal Khan, flaunting his toned abs and biceps as Garud, the King of Birds coming alive on TV and a dashing Thor - The Norse God of Thunder also enticing with his ripped physique and rugged good looks in the theaters near you. With Thor’s latest flick, let's deep dive into the astonishing parallels between the lovable Norse God and the dashing Lord of the Skies. 

  1. Are they really that different?

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Both Garud and Thor have a gift - the ability to empathize and help others! Our Indian demi God Garud goes leaps and bounds to protect his mother and free her from the shackles of slavery and while he fights with his serpent brothers, he is essentially very compassionate and kind and is not afraid to express his emotions. Thor, the God of Thunder, lost his spunk after the events of the endgame but after destroying Thanos, he took some time to reflect and is on the journey to kick-start a new chapter of his life.

2.             Fans are obsessing over Garud’s wings and Thor’s hammer!

Yes, you read that right. Garud possesses magnificent wings that make him the King of birds, whereas the Mighty Thor has his Mjolnir and also Stormbreaker, his mighty weapons and companions from which he draws strength. Both have become household names and this one time Actor Faisal Khan was shocked and pleased to see a young fan tattooing his iconic wings on the nape of his neck! Seems like Lord Garud is quite the hearthrob and is successfully creating ripples amongst the millennials.

3.             Mama's boy but cuter!

The two relate to their respective mothers with a special attachment and closeness that is narrated throughout both of their life journeys. Frigga was an exceptional mother to Thor and Loki, and until her last breath, she fought to protect Asgard. Thor gets his will and strength from his mother. Vinta on the other hand has blessed Garud with the gift of knowledge and taught him the true power of devotion. We approve of these kinds of Mama’s boys!

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4.             Evil Brothers - Loki Vs Takshak and Kaalia

If you think Loki is the only God of mischief, then you are clearly mistaken! The Naaga brothers Takshak and Kaalia are equally notorious and often seem to cause trouble as a response to sheer jealousy towards their brother. And they have incredibly good looks so if you are into bad boys, you will be into them and you won't be able to resist their charm. Watch Out!

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5.             They make modern mythology more accessible to the young generations!

Thor and Garud have been presented to the audience with an analogous modern appearance that makes them relevant to today’s generation. With their hip costumes and stunning accessories, they have made mythology look aspirational and attractive. 

Essentially, Garud and Thor take us through their journeys and leave us with important realizations. Don't forget to catch them on their escapades as they juggle life and decode their true destiny.


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